Awareness Campaign -

Awareness Campaign -




Cute, Special, Sweet, Dynamic, Loving are only a few of the features of the children with intellectual disability.


The ECRCD team is committed to make their childhood joyful and to promote the abilities of their disability.


Our will to integrate them is a step towards normality.


European Centre for the Rights of Children with Disabilities is implementing the awareness campaign “I am your friend” dedicated to the pre-scholar children in the public and private kindergardens in Bucharest.

The campaign activities are implemented by specialized experts in the field of children with disabilities who present in a friendly manner the importance of accepting and integrating children with intellectual disabilities.  

The main message of the campaign: social inclusion of the children with intellectual disability is a real chance given to their normality.

Today, 30 of November, ECRCD has promoted this message in several kindergardens in Bucharest. The children were very receptive, asked questions and enjoyed the games through which they learnt how to accept, integrate and become friends of the children with intellectual disability.

By this campaign, ECRCD celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, officially attested by UN on  3rdof  December.

The campaign is going to be implemented for three months.




Bucharest, 30 November 2011 

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