Annual Summary Report 2011



Welcome to this Annual Report,which reviews CEDCD’s activities during 2011. It offers an overviewof the most important services that CEDCDhasprovidedto its beneficiariesand summarizestheactivities of our organization.

It is important to underline the fact CEDCD is a young organization that started its activity in the second half of 2011, after gaining its legal status through the Sector 6 Bucharest Court Decision. Our very first year of activity was oriented towards mapping the needs of our beneficiaries, the gaps in the public policies and legislation and towards capacity building. Another important area of activity was focused on developing channels of cooperation with relevant stakeholders in the area of disability, both at national and international level.

Our main strength resides in our human rights approach of disability, being convinced that a vision based only or mainly on a charity view is neither effective, nor long term results oriented. Following this tenet, CEDCD’s agenda developed in 2011 with a strategic cooperation with the main Romanian authority in charge with endorsing and promoting human rights for the vulnerable groups - National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD).

You can read about these and other CEDCD activities in the following pages. If you would like to know more about CEDCD’s work and activities, please consult the CEDCD website ( or contact our team at:

Annual Sumary Report 2011

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