ONE VOICE FOR DISABILITY Seminar Piatra Neamt second edition

11 associates and about 80 people attended the CEDCD Seminar at Piatra Neamt. 

The European Centre for the Rights of Children with Disabilities (CEDCD) held on Saturday the 17thof November 2012, in Piatra Neamtthe second “ONE VOICE FOR DISABILITY” Seminar in order to take forward the message to become a common voice meant to change the legal framework concerning the rights of children with disabilities.

The draft law for the rights of children with disabilities has triggered heated debates, and the contribution of parents and professionals in the field demonstrated acute need of change.

We would like to thank our partners, PECS, Special Olympics Romania and Riana Association – Piatra Neamt, as well as the participants at the event, which would like to support the CEDCD initiative.

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