THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – a UN priority but NOT a priority for the Romanian authorities

THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – a U.N. priority, but NOT a priority for the Romanian authorities



Bucharest, 12 September 2012. Between 12 – 14 September 2012 takes place the Fifth Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at UN Headquarters.

One of the main issues in debate on the Conferece Agenda is represented by the rights of children with disabilities. In intoduction of the topic, UN shows that:

-   Children with disabilities are among the most marginalized and excluded members of society”,

-   Children with disabilities are less likely to attend school”,

-   There exist no reliable global data on the number of children living with disabilities. Although, according to one estimate, there are 150 million children with disabilities worldwide”,

-   The cost of exclusion is highest for those who experience it directly: children with disabilities and their families. However, it is also borne by the larger society”.

During the conference proceedings, the state parties will have to answers to several questins like:

-   What examples exist with regard to the implementation of practical actions to ensure the right to an adequate standard of living for children with disabilities?


-   What good examples exist with regard to reducing the education gap between children with disabilities and their peers without disabilities, including through the provision of early childhood education for children with disabilities?

-   What steps have States Parties taken to ensure access to quality health services by children with disabilities?

-   How can governments promote the concept of the evolving capacity of children with disabilities and ensure meaningful participation of children with disabilities in all matters concerning them?

-   How are States Parties providing support to families caring for children with disabilities, including in the context of strengthening social protection systems?

European Centre for the Rights of Children with Disabilities (CEDCD) is worried and surprised that none of the Romanian authorities with attributions in the field of disabilitiy did not communicate the official position or the priorities of Romania to this Conference.

CEDCD is eagerly waiting for information related to Romanian madate to this Conference, as well as Romania’s contribution to the United Nations questions in the field of protecting and promoting the rights of children with disabilities.

Backround information:

Romania has ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2010 through the domesic Law no. 221/210.

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