We say No to silent sufferance

European Centre for the Rights of Children with Disabilities (ECRCD) is revolted by the situation of the 6 years old Down Syndrome boy who has been lacerated by a pack of street dogs due to the fact that he was not able to ask for help.

We consider that this unfortunate event is just another signal for the dramatic situation of the Down Syndrome children in Romania, condemned to live in silence at the margin of the society.

Unfortunately, this dramatic event brings to the light one of the acute aspects of the situation of Down Syndrome children in Romania – the total dependence on the adults and the absence of speech.

In the civilized societies, Down Syndrome children potential is well known and recognized and they benefit from early intervention so as to be able to speak and to do several things by themselves when they are 6 years old

In Romania we assist to the situation in which these children find themselves in a profound state of vulnerability and dependence on their parents, who must struggle with ignorance, prejudices and the poor social protection and assistance system

It is not acceptable that in the 21stcentury Romania, an EU Member State and signatory part of several international instruments that regulates the rights of persons with disabilities, to witness these kind of events similar with Middle Age tales.

Beyond the aspects related to the problem of street dogs, ECRCD is deeply concerned that a 6 years old boy was condemned to a SILENT terrible suffering due to his incapacity to speak.

Faptul că mare parte a copiilor cu sindrom Down din România nu vorbesc este cauzat de absenţa serviciilor necesare de tip logopedie, terapie ocupaţională şi socializare. Sistemul public nu oferă nici din punct de vedere cantitativ, nici calitativ suportul necesar acestor părinţi, care se află în situaţia de a găsi soluţii individuale, adesea extrem de costisitoare sau de a abandona lupta pentru DREPTUL LA NORMALITATE al copiilor lor.

In this context, we urge the competent authorities and decision makers to communicate with the civil society and to develop common intervention programmes and we invite private social partners to support the efforts of the Romanian civil society through social responsibility programmes.  

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