The Conference “Talking with Parents – the situation of the rights of children with disabilities in Romania”

The Conference “Talking with Parents – the situation of the rights of children with disabilities in Romania”.

The European Center for the Rights of Children with Disabilities (ECRCD) in partnership with The Romanian-American University, is organising on Friday, December 12,  2014, starting with 10.00 AM the Conference “Talking with Parents – the situation of the rights of children with disabilities in Romania”.

The aim of the event is to present a brief analysis of the situation of the rights of children with disabilities from Romania at the end of 2014, starting from the casuistry of ECRCD, the casuistry of the main types of legal violations, as well as the necessary steps on this line.

The analysis realized by ECRCD, concerning the situation of the rights of children with disabilities, will be exemplified directly by a number of parents who will bring in debate a number of concrete situations, which are representative for the typology of violation of childrens with disabilities rights.

The conference will be organized on the occasion of International Human Rights Day and it will be held in The Romanian-American University on 1B, Expozitie Boulevard, 1st sector, Bucharest, room MBA (semi-basement).

Please confirm your participation until Thursday, December 11, 2014, following the contacts from below.


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Fax: 0217952465

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