Our Vision

Evolution is our inspiration. Your rights our motivation

European Centre for the Rights of Children with Disabilities (ECRCD) is a nongovernmental organization dedicated to promote the rights of the children with disabilities and to facilitate their access to assistance and protection. We believe the right to dignity of the children with disability is a fundamental right because it means the free access to social life, non-discrimination and quality services.

In our present global society, where the European and international organizations promote in different and complex ways development, innovation and individual rights and values, we have not to forget an inner aspect of our society: the children with disabilities.

Children with physical and intellectual disabilities are our children and not only. They are Romanian and European citizens as well. Their voice must be heard; their rights must not be forgotten.

Children with disabilities are not only the responsibility of their parents and families, but they are also the responsibility of the Romanian and European society. Assuming this responsibility is not, under any circumstances, just a charitable and humanitarian act, but a moral, political, social and economic duty of the social actors. This duty must be honored.

We have to understand that the common present effort for the children with disability is, basically, a way of investing in future. The special needs child of today, who enjoys his rights of assistance and protection, is nothing else, but the future independent adult.

We, the team of ECRCD, have chosen to make a step forward.

We have chosen to make their voice heard.

We decided to promote their rights.

We have chosen to promote quality services.

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